DEAR SERGEANT AL: I got a ticket for texting and driving last
week. I gotta admit the cop caught me red handed. By chance is there any kind
of defense I can use? —THE EXTRA
DEAR TEXTER MIA: You dummy you. Yeah, there’s a defense you can
use for texting and driving all right, and it’s called the jackass defense! In
most states it’s an affirmative defense in the criminal procedure law that actually
expedites and guarantees conviction! Congratulations on getting a fine! I hope
your penalty is swift and your insurance surcharge on your insurance policy
renewal in six or twelve months is quick and painful! How many points did you
lose? Are you going to be suspended? Boy am I going to be glad you’ll be off
the road for a while if you are! This way, I won’t have to worry about you
weaving all over the place as you’re looking to get laid by telling your
girlfriend on your keyboard how hot and sexy she is while you’re creating
mayhem amongst us with your sloppy driving! May you go blind from your phone and from anything else you might be holding as you're watching porn while driving as well. In fact I hope whatever it is you're holding while driving falls
out of your hand and breaks! Gee, it’s really going to make you look real cool as you pull up to the restaurant in a bus to meet your date because you
can’t drive anymore! Better yet, why don't you make yourself feel like the big man you are right now and have her come pick you up in her car? I bet that will make you feel real small, especially in places where it really counts, won't it? I hope you still live at home so your parents can take your car away from you, hopefully your cell phone too! You're grounded little man: one month!
Look, seriously, this is as hard as I’m going to get
on you for texting and driving, as there is no excuse for it, not even to text
the police for an emergency even if there is such a thing that exists yet
(actually that’s coming soon in some places as you will be able to send the
police MMS pictures). Chalk it up to a
lesson in your history book, learn from it, and move forward. Know this: in
some states it is illegal to text and drive while the car is in motion. This
means that if you are at a red light or stopped in heavy traffic, there might
be some leeway to pull out the phone and type a quick line, but other states
even forbid you from doing that as well. EITHER WAY, IT’S STILL NOT COOL: Some
states have very specific and some have no provisions when it comes to
distracted driving laws. But make no mistake: texting and driving laws are about to sweep the country and change very
(look this up yourself), suffice to say, that even though at times I confess to
doing this at a traffic light once in a while, it’s still a bad practice and
example, and we really should be paying attention to the road and not text and
drive at all. Period.
This is all I have to say about texting and
driving, TEXTER MIA. Enjoy some of my favorite videos on the Net about texting and driving.
Unless there is something unusual or unique about this phenomenon, please don’t
ask me about it again, as it is dangerous now, and will be no more dangerous in
the future. Your issuing officer beat me to it with a CITATION, but I’ll be
looking out for you on the road to see if you’re going to be a frequent flying
texter. Good luck!
This one might be a little off color: WARNING
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